Leave hunt-and-peck to the chickens. Effective and efficient keyboarding is more than tapping the correct letter. Our course teaches you to react to letters instead of finding them on the keyboard. This breakthrough guide brims with step-by-step exercises for keyboarding with ease. Develop your digital dexterity with our Keyboarding Basics course.
Single Courses
Course Hours: 25
Course Type:
Instructor Led - 4 Weeks Long
Course Hours: 25
Course Type:
Instructor Led - 4 Weeks Long
Microsoft Excel 2019 is a powerful tool you can use to create and format spreadsheets so you can more easily analyze data, share information, and make more informed decisions. With our Microsoft Excel 2019 course, you will learn how to create rich data visualization, PivotTable views, professional-looking charts, print media, hyperlinks, and worksheet web pages.
Course Hours: 25
Course Type:
Instructor Led - 4 Weeks Long
Did you give up on creating appealing presentations long ago? Have you often wished you knew about the tools and tips for creating a professional and engaging presentation? Our Microsoft PowerPoint® 2019 courses shows you many ways to create and present your ideas in a visually appealing way. You will learn to create your own professional-looking presentation using custom shapes, animations, Smart Guides, and templates.
Course Hours: 25
Course Type:
Instructor Led - 4 Weeks Long
Microsoft Word 2019 combines a comprehensive set of writing tools to create and share professional-looking, dynamic documents using familiar writing, reviewing, and data integration capabilities. Students will learn how to navigate Microsoft Word 2019 software and use the many design features available in the program. Our Microsoft Word 2019 course will show you how to create and edit professional-looking documents for a variety of purposes and situations, whether at home or on the job.